about us

who we are
We’re Rick & Donna and age isn’t getting in our way to be nomads. We’ve sold our house and are currently travelling the world with carry on luggage only.
Rick is a Brit and I’m a Kiwi – so the name Flip Flops & Jandals was created (respective names for the footwear we live in during summer months). Phew, lucky we’re not Aussies, or their name ‘thongs’ may have given a different connotation to the site ;).
And we’re so excited…
- To have a great plan that has fallen into place
- To share with you what we’re learning on the way
Hopefully this will inspire you too to follow your dreams, and welcome you on our journey.
From the flip side, R&D (no, not ‘research & development’ – but hey, that’s what we’ll be doing as well)